News & Events

General Guidelines & Rules

Happy Valley School

General Guidelines & Rules

 General Guidelines & Rules

About the diary

  • This diary has been introduced as a record of the ethics and value of the school and the expectations from the student community.
  • Do go though the rules and regulations in this diary.
  • The diary must be carried to school along with the identity card every day by the students. Parents are requested to look into this personally.

Parent Teacher Interaction

  • The school expects parents to attend all parent teacher meetings (PTMS) held during the year. Report cards are handed over only to parents and not to students.

Code of Conduct for Student

  • Students of Happy Valley School are expected to abide by the code conduct laid down by the school.

Our Expectations

  • Discipline at all times.
  • Appropriate language at all times.
  • Complete abstinence from violence.
  • Complete respect to the school and student community which includes exemplary behavior outside school at all times as true ambassadors of the school, both while in uniform and out of uniform.
  • Meeting deadlines for assignments and projects.
  • No carrying of mobiles, I pods, cameras and similar gadgets to school. In case they are found, they will be confiscated.

School Uniform

Happy Valley School lays a lot of stress on personal hygiene and cleanliness. Students have to smartly and neatly dressed in school.

School Uniform Nursery to Std VIII
School Uniform for Girls School Uniform for Boys
Regular: Grey and white striped half sleeve shirt, Grey skirt (Nur. To U.K.G. tunic) white socks with grey border, black leather shoes, school belt & tie. Regular: Grey and white striped half sleeve shirt, Grey pants (Nursery to V) (VI onwards full pants) white socks with grey border, black leather shoes, school belt & tie.
In Winter: Peacock blue long sleeve V-necked sweater with prescribed monograms (till class V) Peacock blue blazers with prescribed monograms (class VI & above) In Winter: Peacock blue long sleeve V necked sweater with prescribed monograms (till class V) Peacock blue blazers with prescribed monograms (Class VI & above)
Games Dress: House T-Shirt, white skirt/half pant (Nur. To V) full pant (VI to above) with canvas shoes and school belt.